Stef’s favorite organizing tips.


How to Have an "Organized" Morning with Toddlers
Organizing, Parenting Stefanie Jones Organizing, Parenting Stefanie Jones

How to Have an "Organized" Morning with Toddlers

Let's be clear Morning + Toddlers ≠ Organized. Ever. But I have found little tricks that help our mornings go a bit smoother. Some days they work, some days they don’t. I still find it's worth it to try. So, while I cannot guarantee a stress free morning, or being on time anywhere ever again, I can say that these small tips can help make mornings less chaotic, a tad less stressful, and possibly save you a few minutes in your morning.

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Organized Beach Bag
Organizing, Parenting, Travel Stefanie Jones Organizing, Parenting, Travel Stefanie Jones

Organized Beach Bag

I've never lived near a beach. We spent our summers either at the pool or Cumberland lake in Kentucky. So having the option to take my kids to the beach for the morning is totally foreign to me. It took some getting used to when figuring out what to pack each trip. After lots of trial and error, here are the items I pack into my beach bag every trip.

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Organizing Children's Toys
Organizing, Parenting Stefanie Jones Organizing, Parenting Stefanie Jones

Organizing Children's Toys

Over the course of the past year, I've been asked repeatedly for tips and tricks in organizing children's toys. It's something that I think most moms stress about. Although I only have about 1.5 years of experience in organizing my child's toys, there are some methods that I have found helpful and that save my sanity, which is critical when caring for tiny humans. Separating toys into categories, using containers and labels, and having toys in every room (read more for details), are three simple ways I have been able to tackle the chaos of toys.

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13 Healthy Freezer to Slow Cooker Meals {Great for New Moms!}
Baby Jones, Kitchen, Parenting, Recipes Stefanie Jones Baby Jones, Kitchen, Parenting, Recipes Stefanie Jones

13 Healthy Freezer to Slow Cooker Meals {Great for New Moms!}

I was shocked at the number of new and expecting moms who commented or reached out to me thanking me for sharing that post. Well ladies, I get it now. I totally get it. Holy hat, cooking while sustaining tiny human life is seriously challenging. It is so easy to fall into bad, unhealthy habits as a new mom, which of course is the last thing you should be doing.

So, today I'm going to share a few new recipes that I've been testing out. Not only are they easy freezer to crock pot meals, they also have a ton of the nutrients new moms need, {especially those who are nursing}. Fair warning, these meals are healthy, and although some of them are seriously delicious, in my humble opinion, a few of them taste about as healthy as they are. Brit and I just added salt, or cheese, or a second scoop of ice cream to our desserts to make up for the healthiness. We're not perfect. NOTE: If you're not a parent, please don't stop reading. These meals are great for anyone trying to get a nutritious meal. If you're not interested in that, then yes, maybe stop reading now.

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